Engaging our stakeholders on sustainability

At DuPont, we regularly engage with civil society organizations around the world, and we’re active in multiple sustainability initiatives. Our businesses and leaders have a long tradition of sustainability leadership. 

We are founding membership in the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), an early adopter of the UN Global Compact (UNGC), and have been collaborating for years with industries, national governments, international bodies, and others to advocate for action on climate change.

Through our memberships in industry organizations, we’re collaborating to point the specialty products industry in an increasingly sustainable direction. 

We are an active member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, participating in working groups that advance sustainability priorities around circularity, climate and energy, mobility, water stewardship and more. In the United States, we are actively contributing to the development of the American Chemistry Council’s (ACC) new sustainability metrics, and we helped to create the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) Mid-Century Vision, which sets out a path for robust sustainability in the European chemical industry by 2050. DuPont is also a member of the World Resource Institute Corporate Consultative Group, a network of Fortune 500 companies that come together to advance sustainable business practices, mitigate risks, and support sustainable growth.


Stakeholder group

Feedback priorities

How we address stakeholder needs


  • Product safety and quality
  • GHG emissions and energy  consumption
  • Business ethics controls

  • We maintain ISO 9001 certifications at over 90% of our manufacturing operations, and specialized product quality certifications at the rest
  • Advance our Acting on Climate goal
  • Maintain our Business Code of Conduct


  •  Transparency in reporting and performance
  •  Business-integrated sustainability strategy
  •  Engagement on key ESG issues

  • We issue our annual sustainability report in line with GRI, SASB and UN Guiding Principles standards, and respond to targeted disclosure requests from investor-focused rating and ranking agencies such as CDP, Morgan Stanley Capital International, Sustainalytics, and more
  • We engage investors directly on our sustainability performance via phone calls, emails and in-person meetings as appropriate


  • Information on company sustainability initiatives
  • Opportunities to advance company and business-level sustainability goals
  • Opportunities to influence sustainability strategy

  • We issue periodic targeted and companywide employee communications on developments in our sustainability strategy
  • There are companywide, business and site-specific employee sustainability networks that work to advance various aspects of sustainability in their work
  • We maintain internal and external resources portals for employees to learn more information on our goals, performance and the sustainability concepts that underpin our strategy

NGOs and Communities

  • Collaborative partnerships that create shared value for the community, the NGO and DuPont
  • Grant funding
  • Volunteer manhours, skilled and general

In 2020, we: 

  • Renewed our corporate partnership with Habitat for Humanity International and vetted potential strategic partners for future collaborations
  • Issued 90+ grants to organizations in 20+ countries
  • Launched a grant management system to help track grant applications and outcomes
  • Developed a volunteer management tool that will help promote and track DuPont’s global volunteer activity


  • Sustainability-oriented business opportunities
  • Sustainability engagement

  • We are developing a risk-based strategic supplier engagement program


We evaluate all new suppliers on matters of product quality management, security, business ethics and transparency, climate change and water security practices, human rights due diligence, and operational excellence. We are currently developing a more robust, risk-based supplier engagement program to help evaluate and minimize supply chain risk across multiple dimensions of sustainability for our existing suppliers.

Our support for supplier diversity

Through our Supplier Diversity Program, we’re working to include small and diverse businesses among our sources of supply, and help these businesses develop into competitive suppliers. 

We work closely with local, small, and diverse suppliers to help them understand the DuPont business model and other elements of our procurement strategy.

Guided by 11 key performance indicators (KPIs), our goals include increasing the total amount of our spending with these suppliers, ensuring that they’re included in our competitive bid process, and sponsoring and attending outreach events. We engage our top suppliers to support supplier diversity, and we reinforce this expectation in our Supplier Code of Conduct, which encourages our suppliers to develop a diverse supply base themselves in support of the materials and services they provide to us. In fact, one of our KPIs is measuring “Tier II” spend – what our suppliers spend with diverse suppliers in the performance of their work with DuPont.



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Delivering solutions for global challenges
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Enabling a circular economy
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Innovating safer by design
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Acting on Climate
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Leading Water Stewardship
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Delivering world-class health and safety performance
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Accelerating diversity & inclusion
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Cultivating well-being & fulfillment
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Building thriving communities
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